Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blog Post 1

  "EDM310 is going to give you stomach ulcers." When I asked a former student who took EDM310 that was the words they told me. I asked a few other friends and I've received mixed reviews. The good words made me hopeful and for now I feel it is best to put all the negative behind me. I am a high stress person in general so I came into this class very hesitate. I quickly learned that time management and organization is going to be crucial for my success. My fear is that I am going to miss a deadline. I tend to beat myself up when I make mistakes that could easily be prevented. EDM310 is very different from all the courses I have taken at the University of South Alabama. This class is focused more on becoming an independent learner, which I feel will best prepare me for my future endeavors. Many other classes have required me to use technology, but none have utilized technology to this level. I believe the most difficult aspect of this course I will face will be time management. I go to school full time, I work a full time job, and I am married with a twenty-one month old daughter. I have improved my time management skills over the years but I do find myself over extending at times. The best way for me to conquer my fear of time management is to stay on top of things and work ahead whenever possible. Preparation will be key for me. As of right now I do not have any questions but I am sure I will in the coming weeks.

family picture


  1. Hi Hannah, I also fear that I may miss a deadline. I believe that working ahead whenever it is possible is the best way to prevent missing any deadlines. Stay encouraged, I wish you the best of luck !

  2. Hey Hannah! I think that time management is hard for most of us in college. Lucky for you, you have a lot of practice! Your daughter is precious by the way. I printing out the checklist that we received Tuesday and wrote all of the due dates down on my big calendar in my room and it seems to have helped a little bit already! Good luck girl!

  3. "stomach ulcers"? Wow, that is and one!

    " I came into this class very hesitate." hesitantly, not hesitate

    Yes, time management is a key element in EDM310.

    Your picture should be smaller. see if you can figure out how to make it smaller. Hint: Blogger asks you what size you want it to be.

  4. Hey Hannah! I 100% agree that time management is the key to this class. Getting ahead of things will definitely be something to try to do in this class. With some online classes I would end up waiting til the last minute to get things done and that is something that will be impossible for this class.Try to stay ahead of the game and I am sure you will do great. Good luck this summer!
